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Maldives day 3 at The Adaaran Prestige Vadoo

Before we left for the Maldives I was looking at reviews for the resorts we were staying at. One of them complained about breakfast at this resort saying how it was lame it wasn't a buffet. You had to order what you wanted. They made it sound like it wasn't a lot of food or you could only order one thing or something. But that was not the case! Yes, you asked for whatever you wanted and they would bring it to you. They would bring more if you wanted more and they always asked if you wanted more and every morning we were so stuffed! It was great. 

Our second morning we didn't have the Indian breakfast as it was simply too much food and I wanted something lighter. When it is so hot then light foods are better for me. So we had bread and jam, fruit

Potatoes and salad. Raymond got pancakes. It was perfect. 

After breakfast it was again to the beach to relax!

We sat a bit farther back today in the true shade as Raymond got a bit burned sitting under the umbrella yesterday. While we were sitting there someone was showing some new arrivals around and said about the dangerous fish how they won't bite you or anything unless you grab them. So don't grab the fish. I thought who goes around just grabbing fish willy nilly? Why would you do that??

I would get my feet wet occasionally

A quick dip in the pool

And a bit of reading on the beach

Until lunch! Potato/corn cakes with veggies

Thai veggie soup

And tempura veggie with veggie fried rice. Yum! Though a lot of fried food for me

After lunch swim in the pool

Until  it started getting stormy looking. I know it doesn't look like it here, but there were some darker clouds that moved in so we headed back to our room to sit in the jacuzzi! 

Not the best photos as it was really windy, but you could always see lots of fish from the walkway to the rooms

The island from the rooms

Whoa I just realized I don't have any sunset photos! It was too cloudy so it wasn't anything special. 

Dinner was Spicy Alloo Chat with Tamarind Pani Puri and roasted nut Katchumba salad. Yeah, I took a photo of the menu this night so I would remember! Potatoes, fried chip thing, and a salad of cucumber, tomato, onion, coriander. Delicious!

The main was Vegetable Biryani with Vegetable Khorma, Pakora, and Red Chutney. So tasty! 

After dinner we walked along the beach and star gazed. I have an app that will tell you what stars you are looking at and the constellations so we used that to find different ones

Then we watched the Balinese dancing which was alright. The music was super loud!

We walked along the beach some more stargazing and saw some bioluminescent plankton! Not a lot, it looked like the beach was sparkling. It was fun. 

We got back to our room and when we put the key in to turn on the lights the TV was on to a channel that just plays The Coral Song on repeat! It was a fun surprise as we never turned the TV on! 

We could have stayed over on the beach and partied it up with the DJ, but the music was so loud! We could hear it in our room with the windows closed and the AC blasting. Crazy! But it didn't keep us awake so it was all good. Another nice, relaxing day in paradise. 


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