Day 4 was such a great day. A long day, but one of my favorite days of the trip! We had planned on taking the boat around the lake one day, and I remember reading there was a waterfall you could walk to so that was our plan. The only problem? I couldn't remember where the waterfall was and I wasn't finding it in my hiking app. Only the waterfall we tried to hike to the day prior from town. So I did some research the night before about where we could hike from the first town stop and found...there is an ice cave you can hike to! I looked up photos and it looked okay, really the photos only looked so so but I was like okay we definitely need to do this. I mean how often can you hike to an ice cave? I didn't see a waterfall I looked at the second stop and found it! The highest waterfall in Germany actually which is odd that my googling didn't find it sooner, but ultimately good it didn't or else I wouldn't have known about the ice cave! So we got up ear...
Chronicling our big adventures