Man our Christmas adventures started off a little rocky. I had purchased train tickets for Prague and we showed up when the train was supposed to leave only to find you need a reservation! We quickly booked one for a later train, and then checked out the website and saw I missed the tiny box to check to get a reservation when ordering the tickets. I didn't think about it, but apparently going to Prague the Sat before Christmas is VERY popular. We wanted to check and make sure our ticket would work for the later train so we got to the station early and were standing in line waiting out turn and like everyone in front of us was trying to get to Prague as well. The poor ladies who worked there - there were no more reservations left for that day by that point and people were not happy. I can understand that, but there is also not much they can do about it. The train only has so many seats. There were two ladies working and the one seemed nice and the other not so much and when our ...
Chronicling our big adventures