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Showing posts from July 10, 2015

Napoli Part 3

We were in Napoli the first Sat in May so we were there for the Feast of San Gennaro! I had never heard of this before I was looking at things to do while we were there, but I was pretty excited once I found out. Every year on the Saturday before the first Sunday in May (and also two other times a year - the really big festival is Sept 19th) the saints blood liquifies. Or it is supposed to. It is good fortune for Napoli if it does. Then the blood is on display for 8 days before it goes back in the vault (or wherever they keep it). I couldn't find much online about when the festivities would be since it was not the big celebration so we headed over to the Duomo early in the morning to check it out. Inside they had all of their silver saint statues lined up ready to go for later in the afternoon. Since we hd some time we wandered around and explored some more. It was much busier since it was Saturday. Any guesses what this building is? A church of course! This i...