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Showing posts from September 18, 2016

Book Club Trip - LA and Sacramento

  Starting this post off the right way - with food! So I had a fun CA trip last February. I have an online book club which is awesome. The ladies are so much fun and prior to this trip I had only talked with most of them online. Well, last year the one lady posted as an FYI that she would be in Sacramento for an author event with two other authors that most of the ladies in book club love. So if you are in the area you should stop by. This lead to everyone starting to make plans to be in Sacramento at this time to meet up. Of course I really wanted to go, but Sacramento is a long way to fly for a weekend. Plus Raymond wouldn't want to go so it would just be a trip for me and I just figured I would miss out.  Raymond came home from work that night and we were talking about our days and I mentioned how book club was talking about meeting up in Sacramento in Feb. His immediate reply? You should go! You would have fun. He really is the best. I was still hesitant because ...