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Showing posts from January 28, 2021

US Road Trip 2018: WA-Central CA

Phew it has been forever! I know I am super terrible about updating the site, but I do like having posts for me to look back on and see what we did where. I like having the photos all organized, I am just super bad at doing it. Last year when the pandemic hit I thought okay we are obviously not traveling anywhere I can update the blog! Only I didn't have the mental energy to do so. And then I kind of forgot about it as the world was kind of crazy. But now things have seemed to calm down a bit. Even though it is still a pandemic and we can't go do all the things it feels like there could be an end in sight. So back to trying to update all out old trips!  First up - a US road trip! Raymond's brother was getting married in Vegas so we decided to make a road trip out of it. I started off with a week in Seattle to visit Gillian and friends while Raymond worked from Vancouver. He had been planning on going over anyways for work so it worked out well. I don't have many photos...