So Raymond's parents came to visit us for a week mid-September which was a lot of fun. I was super excited for our first visitors! And now the start of the fall of fun (or the fall of people visiting us)! But first a few things we did the first weekends in Sept before Raymond's parents visit. The beginning of Sept there is a fireworks world champion competition. So of course we had to go check it out. I mean each country has a 15 min display and there are 3 countries every night. Now it is kind of expensive to go (like 50 Euro for standing room...that is WAY more than I want to spend on something), but luckily it is at the Olympic Stadium so it is down by the hill in Berlin - the hill made of rubble! There is a nice park on the top so we went and hung out for a bit, had a picnic dinner and just had fun. You can see out over all of Berlin, even though the hill is not that big. At the top it was quite windy so there were lots of people flying kites and it was a beau...
Chronicling our big adventures