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Showing posts from February 12, 2013

Christmas Adventures Part 4 - Munich & New Years Eve

       Munich hates me. I don't know why...I really don't. I mean yeah we wanted to move to Berlin, so maybe it is jealous, but it didn't like me even before then. We really didn't get to see much of the city the last time we were there, plus it was Oktoberfest so the city was dead except right around there so we couldn't get a feel for what it would really be like. On our first visit I was very excited to explore Munich but on the train ride into town I started getting sick. Like stuffy nose, coughing, maybe fever, feeling horrible achy sick. And was sick the whole time we were there, though we did a little bit of exploring, but mostly just hung out in our room watching German TV.  That is however when I saw Schlag den Raab for the first time and fell in love with the crazy game show, but technically we were staying in Dachau at the time (there were no hotels in Munich available for cheap and we couldn't find a couch to stay on). So I was jokin...