I woke up on day 5 to find I was all alone in the room. I couldn't find Raymond so I went to investigate and he was laying outside reading! I am loving that he actually reads books now so we can be traveling and reading and it is wonderful!! No more bugging me when I am trying to finish my books! We went to get breakfast and it was another Indian breakfast. So so delicious! I loved it! "Take nothing but pictures, kill nothing but time" After brekkie we had to wait for them to finish cleaning our room again So we hung out at the end of the pier again. Raymond went snorkeling most of the morning, but I was super sleepy so I just lounged around Lunch! German potato salad Fajita veggies for me And a mushroom masal thing for Raymond Then back to the room for more lounging around. Bird on the steps next to us saying hello Raymond is so silly And the sun went behind the cloud...
Chronicling our big adventures