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Showing posts from September 8, 2015

Leipzig 2015

   Last weekend we went down to Leipzig, which we had never been to before. It was only an hour train ride and was really quick to get to. Raymond took off Friday so we went down Friday morning-Sunday afternoon.    The city was really beautiful. All of these ornate old buildings, but also lots of really run down beautiful old buildings. It was a strange mixture of really nice and really run down.  And Bach is buried in St Thomas' church.  We did our wandering around town then had lunch at this place that I loved! The food was delicious, the waiter was super friendly, the inside was so cozy...I would go back often if I lived there.  The water comes out the horses nostrils...  After lunch we wandered some more, then went to the Stasi Museum which was really interesting. They had all kinds of machines and gadgets that they used to spy on the people. The most interesting were the mail machines - the machine that is just a steam machine to o...