About halfway down the beach there was a small stream to cross and there were a bunch of people there all looking at it like they didn't know what to do. Raymond was looking on the map to see if he could find a way around and I just thought why not walk through? Which is what he did, but he went so quick I wasn't ready and then I got stuck. There was a row of tiny fish along the shoreline so I couldn't cross! I know it is stupid, but I just can't do it. So I have to wait until someone else was crossing and go right after them. They parted the fish for me.
The people in this town were so much better. They would say hi, how are you? But there was no intense pressure to eat there. I loved it. Overall it just felt much more relaxed and laid back there. There was one place at the end of the road set back a bit that we didn't see a menu for, but there was a friendly guy outside who started talking to us. He showed us where the menu is and was just super nice so we decided to have dinner there.
When we got back we turned on the telly to watch some before bed and I am so glad we did! After a few minutes the shows were interrupted by a special announcement which was incredibly interesting to watch. A guy came on to talk to the people of Thailand - not sure who he is, but someone associated with the royal family/government. He talked for about an hour about a ton of things. All in Thai, but with English subtitles so I could understand. He started off by telling us that His Royal Highness the Prince is going to have a bike for dad event in December (there was just a bike for mom event that we might have seen in Bangkok - there was some large bike event going on). He wants everyone to come together and and show that we support each other, but he also wants us to be safe while training as this should be a fun event. His Royal Highness the Prince wants us to have fun with it, but be safe. Then he talked about how we are focusing on real estate right now, but we don't want you to get into more debt than you can handle like happened to so many people last time. We all need to help out and not let him do everything himself. Then the buses need to be upgraded to electric and maybe we can make the parts ourselves. We can make everything like spare batteries and such. It needs to happen and we can do it.
Then how farmers should be careful with their water consumption and should be making water storage areas. Flooded farmers need to think first before releasing the water as what happens if it doesn't come again? You should start making your water storage now, don't wait for the government to do it for you. Then he commended a guy for helping some Norwegian tourists who got stuck in the sucking mud. There was a video and the guy tried to help pull them out, but that wasn't working, so he laid down on the mud so they could climb/crawl over him to get out. It was kind of crazy. The guy talking was just you should do kind things for others not for attention or to gain something, but just because it is the right thing to do. Then a commendation to a student who helped an ambulance get through traffic by knocking on car windows and asking the drivers to move to the side. We should all try to help out where we can. Then how we need to keep the Thai culture alive and remember our roots. Some of the younger generation seem to not care so much about it, but we need to remember our traditions and dances or no one will visit Thailand. It is a true democracy and everyone needs to help out. He can't do it all himself and you shouldn't wait for the government to do things for you. It was really interesting watching the whole thing. Like a glimpse into what the Thai people get told by the leaders. Fascinating.
After that we found this riveting show called Supreme Skills which highlights the skills of Japanese engineers who compete in challenges. We only caught the last half of one where two teams were competing to see who could make a needle to pierce a thick aluminum plate. Team one's first two needles had broken, and team two was on their second needle - which succeeded! Then back to team one - would their third and final needle succeed? Will it pierce the plate? Or will it break as well? The needle was super thin so it was edge of your seat action...really it was ridiculous how they tried to make it super dramatic. Here is the website for the show if anyone wants to check it out. It was fun.
We walked into town and had lunch at a bar that had a great vegetarian menu - pretty much everything could be made vegetarian. We had one last pad see eew

Overall it was a really great trip. I loved Laos so so much, and Railay Beach was my favorite place we visited in Thailand. It was just beautiful there. I wouldn't make a special trip back to Thailand as it was just eh overall, but I would go back if we were in the area again during the vegetarian festival! Since that is the whole reason why we planned this trip for when we did it worked out and we ate a ton of super delicious foods. Even though it was WAY too hot and humid for me by the time we left it wasn't that bad. I had definitely acclimated some and was much better than my initial "we have made a terrible mistake" thoughts. And lovely to end our adventures by having days of swimming at gorgeous beaches. Hope you all enjoyed our SE Asia adventures