Our second day in Barcelona we got up and walked up Montjuic to see the views of the city. It was another big walking day. We walked along the water to get there, then through town on the way back in the afternoon. I don't know why but when we travel we usually don't use the public transportation much. In Barcelona we only used it to get to and from the airport and walked all over the city instead. Which leads to a ton of walking. I guess that is good since we had so much food for lunches.
Outside Hotel Miramar - the first stop on the way to the top

And the top - Castell de Montjuic

For those who don't want to walk you can take the cable cars up and down

The building in the background is the museum of national art of Catalan. Didn't get a good photo on the way to lunch because we were hungry, but we went back by it another day.
After lunch we hung out for a bit in the Parc de l'Espanya Industrial which was really nice to just sit and relax in.
There were all these guard towers which were empty
And someone having a photo shoot
And a dragon slide!

Raymond having a sits on the Passeig de Grà cia

Casa Milà - first if many Gaudi buildings

Casa Batllo and Casa Amatller - I really loved these buildings. So much fun

Casa Lleó i Morera

Most places in Barcelona are pretty nice, but then there was this empty field on the way to the beach. It was kind of out of place for the rest of the city.
And back to the beach after a long day of walking

Giant metal fish sculpture outside the casino
